Who We Are

We are a church of Christ located in Lawrenceville, GA.

We believe that the Holy Bible is the revelation of the Divine mind to mankind, and that it contains the record of God's dealings with man, and teaches us about God's plan to redeem man from the guilt and penalty that is caused by our sins.

We believe that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth. We believe that God has revealed Himself in the cosmos and in word through prophets and inspired writers. God cares for those who trust in Him, and He provides for their needs. He found Abraham to be a righteous man, and promised Abraham that he would make a great nation of his descendants, and through him he would bless all mankind.

We believe that Jesus of Nazareth was born of the virgin Mary in Bethlehem and that he lived on the Earth. He taught the crowds that followed him, and He performed wonderful miracles among the people. Jesus was charged falsely by His enemies, and He was crucified, died, and His body was placed in a tomb near Jerusalem. We believe that Jesus was truly resurrected from the grave, that He was seen by his apostles and other disciples, and that He ascended into Heaven. His resurrection is the ultimate proof that He is God the Son. And his resurrection gives hope to Christians.

We believe that the church of Christ, the body of all His disciples, began on the day of Pentecost, and that groups of Christians in communities should join themselves together as a local church of Christ, modeled after the first-century church. Each local church, following the instructions recorded in the New Testament, is an autonomous, self-governing congregation. And each church is fully capable of performing all of the work and responsibilities incumbent upon the church.

We believe that a church of Christians should assemble on each Sunday for a period of worship and fellowship together. We pray together, we sing hymns of praise to God, and share together the Lord's Supper, a communion of the body and blood of Jesus Christ. We study the Scriptures and make applications to our lives. We contribute of our personal funds into a common treasury of the church to provide for evangelism, edification, and benevolent needs of other Christians.

We believe that Christians have the responsibility of teaching others and spreading the gospel of Christ. Those who hear and believe the gospel message are moved to repent of their sins, confess their faith in Jesus Christ as the risen Savior and are baptized in water for the remission of their sins.

We believe that at the end of time, Christ will appear again and will summon all of his faithful disciples to the judgment and final glorification with Him. All Christians aspire to serve our Lord by living righteous lives here on earth, and then to enjoy the glory of Heaven eternally in the presence of God Himself.

And.... we believe that visitors to our assemblies are special guests that we welcome and respect. Guests are never singled out for public attention or embarrassment. Our service to our fellow-man begins with friendship and mutual encouragement.

Author Unknown
Slightly Modified